Discover Jan's Secret Field Techniques & Capture Stunning Bird Photos Yourself

Are You Ready to Take Your Bird Pictures to the Next Level?

Perched is a comprehensive video guide by Jan Wegener, a bird photographer with 20 years of experience. This video takes you through 3 full days of shooting unique bird images and offers detailed guidance on how to create the most stunning bird pictures yourself!

Tired of Uncooperative Birds and Uninspiring Backgrounds?

  • Do you feel frustrated because the birds just won't sit on your perches long enough or don't even show up in the first place?
  • Are you dying to know how to create nice and smooth backgrounds like the one on this picture?
  • Are you tired of watching bird photography tutorials that don't even show the actual process of taking the pictures?

Hi, I'm Jan Wegener

Hi, I'm Jan Wegener. I've been a bird photographer for 20+ years and I love helping others in their quest to capturing & editing stunning bird photos.

Transform Your Photography and Your Connection to Nature

This isn't just about improving your photography and mastering editing techniques. It's about cultivating a profound connection with the natural world and discovering how that connection can inspire and inform your photography. It's about learning to see not just with your eyes, but with your heart—capturing images that vividly reflect the beauty and essence of the avian world. For me, capturing these moments and sharing them with others is a deeply meaningful experience.

Hi Jan,

Recently I purchased your Lightroom Masterclass. I've been doing wildlife and nature photography for five years. I've kind of muddled through using Lightroom (and Photoshop) by watching different videos and when I couldn't figure something out l'd research it. But I have always hated editing. I never felt like I mastered it. And it was time consuming. I did a decent job, but felt like I needed to take it to the next level, but was always left frustrated. I purchased your masterclass a couple weeks ago. I've watched it through at least three times and go back to reference it when I get stuck. I took notes and reference them often. I love how you've made it simple to understand and when you say something you "show" us and walk us through what you mean. I now have new tools. And better understanding because of your teaching. It really has helped. Yesterday was the first time putting my new knowledge into place and I'm already impressed with my new editing skills. I'm looking forward to editing now. Who knew?!

I want to say thank you! Definitely worth it.

Thanks Joanne

The Solution You Have Been Waiting For

Shooting pictures is only one part! - To get a great final image, you need to prepare well. Time of the day, picking the right perches, know-how on flash in bird photography and the ability to create the perfect background in any given situation are key.

In Perched, Jan takes you into the field and shows how to set up the right way and get birds to cooperate for your dream photos.

The Ultimate Video Guide to Bird Photography

Perched video will not only take you through 3 full days of me shooting unique bird images.

It will help you get the right mindset, understand what is really important to focus on and offers a complete guide on how to create the most stunning bird pictures yourself!

What To Expect

Ultimate Viewing Experience

5 Cameras will make you feel like you are right there with me capturing exciting bird images


What makes a good perch and how do you get the birds to land on them? Let’s find out!


Learn how to get nice and smooth backgrounds and what to do if the background isn’t ideal.

Equipment and Settings

Learn how to set up your camera and flash to get the most out of ever changing light situations and never miss “the shot”.


Pick up Jan's secrets, apply them to your own photography and create stunning set ups yourself.

...and Action

Watch the birds come in, use the perches and see the exact moment Jan takes his images.

Level Up Your Bird Photograhy Skills


how to get the birds to sit on your perches long enough for the perfect shot.


the secret to creating nice and smooth backgrounds for your bird images.


the actual process of taking the pictures and not just theoretical knowledge.


the right mindset and focus for outstanding bird photography.


the perfect time of the day, pick the right perches, and the know-how on flash light in bird photography.


hands-on experience with the ability to see the exact moment Jan takes his images.

Perched is a beautifully produced lesson on how to capture crisp, colorful bird images.

It felt like I was watching a magician reveal the secrets to his tricks, but rather than ruining the magic, it made it even more fun.

There was enough content in the episode to give me new techniques to practice for months or years to come.

This Is What You Get

What You Get:

  • A comprehensive video guide that takes you through 3 days of actual bird photography shooting, showcasing Jan's unique approach.
  • Download & Stream online
  • Step by Step instructions
  • Insights into creating perfect setups, from choosing the right perches to creating smooth backgrounds, enhancing the aesthetic appeal of your pictures.
  • Understanding of how to set up your camera and flash for optimal results in ever-changing light situations, ensuring you never miss the key shot.
  • Learn to cultivate the right mindset for excellent photography results

What You Will Master:

  • Techniques to attract birds to your perches, reducing the frustration of waiting for the perfect shot.
  • The secret to creating smooth and pleasing backgrounds that make your bird images stand out.
  • Strategies to prepare well for your shoots, including understanding the best time of the day and the ability to create perfect backgrounds in any given situation.
  • Understanding what makes a photo unique and popular

Total Worth: Priceless

Get started for only:


Wait! Take Advantage Of Our Bundle Prices!


  • Perched
  • Comprehensive video guide that takes you through 3 days of actual bird photography shooting, showcasing Jan's unique approach.


Next Generation

Photoshop Masterclass


  • Next Generation Photoshop Masterclass
  • Perched
  • How To Attract Birds eBook

$397 25% Off!

Save $98



Masterclass Bundle

  • Lightroom Masterclass
  • Perched
  • How To Attract Birds eBook

$297 25% Off!

Save $78


What Jan's Customers Say!

With 4,000 customers and thousands of reviews, here are a few highlights showcasing the high satisfaction

and impact of Jan's bird photography courses.

Easily the best instructional video I have seen

Jan has a natural relaxed presentation style that makes for easy viewing.

I've been photographing birds for a number of years and I regret that I didn't get to see this video years ago, as it would have improved my setups a lot sooner.

This instructional video stands out as an exceptional resource, offering an unparalleled blend of practical advice and insightful tips. It's not just the best instructional video I've seen, it's a comprehensive guide that has significantly influenced my photography journey. .

Gerard Satherley

The video you wish you had access to when you started

Jan gives you the video you wish you had access to when you started asking yourself some of those difficult photo questions.

It presents bleeding edge bird photography in an easy to understand, informative style & shows that it’s not the camera or computer equipment but these simple steps and a little bit of creative thinking that will get you where you want to be.

Even if your a walk & stalk kinda guy or girl there are so many transferable skills included here it would be ridiculous not to have it as reference.

Karl Seddon

(IG: @karlseddon)

Anyone wanting to advance their skills in bird photography will absolutely benefit from this

This is a highly informative documentary of exactly how Jan gets those amazing shots.

This honest approach in sharing techniques and skills he has learned and developed over ten years of bird photography is invaluable. Each and every process is clearly explained (not just what he did... but why he does it!).

Having watched this several times now, I highly recommend it. I believe anyone wanting to advance their skills in bird photography will absolutely benefit from this."

Brian Kowald

(IG: @briankowald)

Good Afternoon Jan,

I purchased a copy of your Masterclass - Editing Your Bird Images To Perfection" and have just completed watching it. It was very very interesting to watch and enjoyed the detail you went into to explaining all the settings and adjustments made in RAW and Photoshop. It has without a doubt help me understand even more the intricacies of RAW and Photoshop and I am sure will help me to improve my processing all round and take it to another level.

I just watched your video. It is really good. Your workflow is perfect and you explain it very well without making it confusing to understand. I was never happy with my Baudin's Black-Cockatoo shots, as my processing was crap I couldn't get rid of that yellow look effectively. I will reprocess them now.

I have used Photoshop for over 8 years, I wish I had watched this video when I started. I have learnt lots of new

techniques that will improve

my bird processing work flow.

Wow, so good! This is a brilliant tutorial that showcases not only the power of Photoshop, but also Jan's amazing editing skills. Easy to understand, this masterclass caters for everyone from novice to those with more advanced photography and editing skills. I think absolutely everyone would gain from this, and it would be the best thing a novice could do for

themselves to get not just an understanding, but more importantly the skills needed to edit images correctly. I can't recommend this highly enough and I will be going back over it again and again to get everything I can out of it.

Well done Jan.

Hi Jan,

Wow, just wow, I don't really know what else to say?

I can tell you that I have paid big money in the past for other people's so called Masterclasses and for me to learn about all the stuff that you covered, I would have to buy two, maybe three, different courses.

I have many courses for PS editing and he makes it very difficult by jumping from mountains to portraits to animals, all over the place and it becomes a very

jumbled mess in your head when you try to put all his information into my chosen subject of Bird Photography.

Hi Jan, good day. I purchased your perched episode 1 + the master class editing videos. Firstly thanks heaps for the 50% discount hahah. The content if flawless and I'm really satisfied. I do have a question, in the video perched, you have used ball head clamps to attach some perches. Could you please let me know where you brought them or how can I aquire some? I tried looking for the over the internet but I can't find any similar one's like you have.! Thanks a lot for your time. Cheers

Ok, this is fantastic, Jan! Just wanted to say that as a beginner, I found this tutorial to be a revelation, showing me the true capabilities of Photoshop and seeingJan's remarkable editing skills inspred me no end. It's so easy to follow, which helped me progress and i’m just starting out.

This masterclass is something I believe everyone can benefit from if I can and for a beginner like me, it’s probably gonna be an invaluable resource. I got pretty good results but most importantly it equips me with the skills I need to edit images properly and even get better. I can't praise this enough and I already know I'll be revisiting it over and over again to absorb as much as possible.


Watching a magician reveal the secrets to his tricks

Perched is a beautifully produced lesson on how to capture crisp, colorful bird images.

It felt like I was watching a magician reveal the secrets to his tricks, but rather than ruining the magic, it made it even more fun.

There was enough content in the episode to give me new techniques to practice for months or years to come.


(IG: @marcusbirding)

This is the definitive "how to" on bird photography

o much cheaper than a workshop but you can watch it over and over again.

Everything is explained clearly and I found it easy to follow along.

This is the definitive "how to" on bird photography. I can't recommend this highly enough!

Adam Hunter

(IG: @wildlife_kununurra)

I don't photograph birds but i just like this style so much I wanted to learn

I kept coming across Jan's work online, and I was really drawn to the the artistic nature of the photos he produces. I wanted to understand what he was doing in terms of editing. I wasn't disappointed. At the end of the day, learning from the master is always worthwhile because it can be applied to any genre.

Joe Best

(IG: @briankowald)